The Successive story of Ku Kuru Wate Pt.1


Ku Kuru Wate in Bari language means “women who dig”, an Agro-cooperative company that plant, pick and process vegetables and spices for the local market. We had the pleasure of traveling deep into Juba Na bari, Nyiang community, to film the activities of this communal organization.

Be fearless in front of them with your ideas as many times as they’ll let you

A small drive through the heart of Juba, passing road signs of Luri County, Jubek State. An area I often hear about but haven’t ventured was populated and thriving with farmers, boda bodas, transport buses, and a bustling market. Continuing along the pot holed and muddy road we descended upon an area with gated UN and private facilities In opposite sides of the road, yet the traffic was mild.

The road was rough with loose red gravel. Puddles big enough to swim engulfed the center of the road. Luckily a car was in front that took the chance of guessing how to approach these pools. We passed straight through unscathed.

A little further, a gentleman flagged us down. It was Emma, the coordinator I had been in contact with during the booking process. We stopped on a swampy road that the rains devastated the night before. There was no other way but to finish the journey on foot.

I think it made me think about it more and really consider why I was choosing to add this to my routine

We parked and hopped out with our equipment and bottles of water. It was a scorching Saturday afternoon with the heat relentless on our backs drenching our T-shirt’s with sweat. The walk took almost 20minutes taking us past half built residential areas and impassable side roads. The sounds of kids shrieking and playing, mixed with subtle chirps of birds pierced the air.

A few more kids curiously peeked through the bamboo fences to see who these tall chaps walking through the muddy road holding tripods and bags were. Passers by directed us on the stones we should step on to avoid the muddy ditches.

Emma told us that the area is very arable with vast opportunity for agriculture, only that the rain tends to flood everywhere because of lack of drainage system.

If you’re looking to get rid of this beard, maybe this is not the right angle for your gifting

We finally emerged from the road, ascending onto an open area, undisturbed from the floods, a seamless squarish natural plain. The air was fresh, small gardens of vegetation on the periphery of the plain linking to different small houses. To the left, was a distant visual of a church choir under a tree in progress. Sounds of tambourines and drums playing rhythmically as voices were singing.
Adjacent to the church session was the compound of Ku kuru Wate, Agro processing center. Emma welcomed us in and introduced us to the facility supervisor.

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